  • CAS Number 67-63-0

  • Linear Formula (CH3)2CHOH

  • Molecular Weight 60.10

  • FEMA Number 2929

  • Beilstein/REAXYS Number 635639

  •  EC Number 200-661-7


General description

Isopropyl Alcohol or 2-Propanol is a very commonly used disinfectant within pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and cleanrooms. It is even used in the purification of electronics and medical device manufacture. It has a number of different purity grades and they are designed for different use. They are beneficial cleaning chemicals and disinfectants, and depending on how concentrated they are, they can get rid of all sorts of bacteria and impurities.

70% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA 70)

Between the concentrations of 60% and 90%, Isopropyl alcohol is a very effective agent against microbial bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Higher concentrations don’t generate a much more desirable effectiveness against bacteria, fungi and viruses. This is because, there has to be a significant enough presence of water with the Isopropyl alcohol in order to be effective. And this percentage of water needs to be at least more than 10% within the solution. And the mixture of 30% water with 70% Isopropyl alcohol works best.


8, 20 kg in composite drum

Other Notes

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Related Categories 2-Propanol (Isopropanol), Alphabetical Listings, Certified Food Grade Products, Flavors and Fragrances, Follows IFRA Guidelines, H-J, Halal Certified Products, I - N, I-L, I-N, Kosher Certified Products, Solvent by Type, Solvents
Quality Level 400
biological source synthetic
grade FG
Agency/Method follows IFRA guidelines
meets purity specifications of JECFA
reg. compliance EU Regulation 1223/2009
EU Regulation 1334/2008 & 872/2012
FDA 21 CFR 172.515
vapor density 2.1 (vs air)
vapor pressure 33 mmHg ( 20 °C)
44 mmHg ( 25 °C)
assay ≥99.7%